Programming for All Ages!

Our Youth Education program includes time for experiencing Christian education in many ways. We use color groups, which are loosely associated with children’s age and grade, but allow flexibility depending on each child’s needs in the program.

Brenda Goble, Director of Youth & Family Ministry, and Marita Herkert-Oakland, Children’s Ministry Assistant, are your main points of contact for Sunday School.

Pink Group: Families with children from Birth through two years old are part of the Pink Group. This is a parent-led social group where families (parents, caregivers, and children) spend time getting to know each other while allowing space for children to play. The Pink group families sing songs and read stories, but mostly spend time in community. This group meets in the Sunday School nursery (Room 243). 

Purple Group: This is for our Preschool children (3-4-year-olds). Preschool students experience a rotation of stations within their own classroom. Students experience free play, music, Bible Story, art and creative activities, and movement.  We keep active minds and bodies engaged!

Blue Group: Our 7th and 8th-grade students participate in Confirmation lessons each week in the main floor meeting room. They start promptly at 9:15. Their curriculum is part of their Confirmation journey and helps them study Old & New Testament, Luther’s Small Catechism, and Lutheran theology and beliefs. Students in 6th grade have the option to move to the Blue group starting in January or to remain with the Red group for the full Sunday School year.

Yellow, Orange, and Red Groups: All children aged Kindergarten through sixth grade, and older children with special needs, are invited to participate in our rotational model of Sunday School. Children are divided into color groups: Yellow (generally kindergarten and first grade), Orange (generally second and third grade), and Red (generally fourth and fifth grade) based on their grade level & abilities. 

Sunday School

Midvale Community Lutheran Church provides Sunday School programming to over 50 families each week from birth through eighth grade using the Spark by Augsburg Fortress curriculum. And we are excited to have YOUR family join us.

We meet from 9:15 - 10:15 am on Sunday mornings, from September 8th, 2024 - May 18th, 2025

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year.

Volunteer with Sunday School

  • Preschool Teacher or Helper

    Our Purple Group (preschool) stays in their classroom for the whole hour. They have a play-based learning set up in the classroom, with time and space for lots of exploration and learning. The leader shares a story for the week and guides a game and/or craft for the group. The lesson plan is shared with you several days in advance.

  • Rotation Leader

    Leading the lessons is great fun! The curriculum is provided and your classroom will be prepared each week with the supplies you need for the class. Rotations include Art, Cooking, Science, Games, Drama, Video, Digital Media & Technology, or Music. We love it when a lesson leader can lead the same class for a whole rotation (3-4 weeks), but we are happy to have you lead for only a week or two, as your schedule allows.

    We need at least 3 rotation leaders each week.

  • Blue Group (Confirmation) Leader

    Our Blue Group leader guides a slideshow lesson and discussion with our Confirmation students. The lesson is prepared in advance but we recommend that the leader review it ahead of presenting to the group.

  • Hospitality Host

    Each week this person arrives at 9:00 am to greet families, distribute name tags, and help everyone get where they need to go. This is a great way to get familiar with our Sunday School families.

  • Behind the Scenes Helper

    There are always projects that need to be done, including gathering rotation supplies, preparing bulletin boards, organizing supplies in the resource room, and preparing activities. This work can be done as your schedule allows.

  • Shepherd

    Our Shepherds are the community builders for each group. Each group has two Shepherds for the entire year. We are looking for at least 2-3 adults to serve as Shepherds for each color group.

Sunday School is a program that Midvale offers for our children but it doesn’t happen without everyone’s involvement. We don’t charge for this great program, but we do expect that all families offer their time to help make Sunday School work week after week. Each week it takes a minimum of 12 volunteers to make Sunday School happen, and with 30 weeks of Sunday School, there are over 360 opportunities to help us out!

Brenda Goble and Marita Herkert-Oakland share recruiting responsibilities. If you know there are certain weeks/months that you are available to help, don’t wait for us to contact you - let us know how and when you’d like to participate!