Lent 2025

Wednesday schedule during Lent

You can find complete descriptions of these by scrolling down the page

Ash Wednesday March 5
worship at 11:30am and 7:00pm

March 12 - April 9

Small groups, meal and worship

10:15-11:15am Embodying the Divine small groups

11:30am Prayer service

12:00pm Lunch

5:15pm - Embodying the Divine small groups

6:00-6:45pm Supper

7:00pm Holden Evening prayer in person and online on Facebook Live

Sign up here for Lent small groups!

Lent study and small groups March 12 - April 9 at 10:15am and 5:15pm

Each year participants in our Lent small groups express how meaningful it is to get to know other members and explore our faith together. You are invited to join our Lenten small groups this year! They begin Wednesday, March 12.

The five week series, "Embodying the Divine: Love as the Heart of Creation," features compelling theologian Ilia Delio, and explores the profound implications of understanding God as the unstoppable force of love within creation. Through the small group discussions, participants are invited to consider their relationship with God, themselves, and the world, discovering how love is not only the essence of God, but also the very fabric of existence.

Lent meals

Lent meals March 12 - April 9

Lunch at 12:00pm - no sign-up required

Supper at 6:00pm - please sign-up ahead of time here

Lent Worship

Prayer service at 11:30am

Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00pm

Lent daily devotional - sign up here