First Round Pick
For as many of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. - Galatians 3:27
November is when we celebrate “All Saints Sunday.” In the Bible, the word “saint” never refers to a special class of super-duper Christians. Rather, it always refers to ALL the people of God. Saints are not saintly because of what they do, but because of what God has done for them. Saints are identified not by their own wisdom, good works, holiness and wholeness, but by the fact that they belong to God. That means that when it comes to saint-making, God is the one who does the creating. We believe that sainthood is conferred on to us in our baptism. The Apostle Paul says it best in the words- “we have Christ put on to us.” All of Christ’s standing with God is “put on to us.”
This past summer, the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team’s first round draft pick was MarJon Beauchamp. MarJon Beauchamp did not choose the Milwaukee Bucks, they chose MarJon. In fact, MarJon has admitted being chosen by the Bucks is beyond what he ever imagined for himself! With all the cameras flashing, the dark green jersey was put on to MarJon and he became a Milwaukee Buck! In your baptism, Christ has been “put on to you.” You share the identity and destiny of Jesus Christ. This new identity as saints of Christ is not some secondary identity, it is primary.
That means that- not only do saints exist, but they live among us. Common people whose love for God has led them to do uncommon acts of love and service. That means that nobody is beyond sainthood, remember you are one! St. Ava, St. Jim, St. Oscar...and God keeps adding people, all of whom are first round draft picks!
All Saints Sunday is November 6. At worship, we celebrate the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As we gather at the Lord’s Supper, with the faithful of every time and place, we are trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and we look forward to the day when all tears will be wiped away in heaven.