
God, who is rich in mercy and love, gives us a new birth into a living hope through the sacrament of baptism. By water and the Word, God delivers us from sin and death and raises us to new life in Jesus Christ. We are united with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and joined in God’s mission for the life of the world.

Baptism at Midvale Community Lutheran Church is for the smallest of babies, for children and teenagers, and for adults who have yet to be baptized.

Lutherans understand baptism as a sign of God's grace that bestows on the baptized the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through baptism we receive the identity of "child of God." Baptism is the beginning of our calling to live as God's people here and for eternity.

Baptisms are celebrated during any of our worship times, Saturdays at 5pm or Sundays at 8am or 10:30am (10:00am summer). However, some worship services cannot accommodate baptisms, so please contact a pastor to schedule a baptism.

For More Information: Contact a pastor at 608-238-7119 or via email to

Holy Baptism Preparation Class

Periodically the pastors will lead a Holy Baptism class for parents interested in having their child baptized. The meaning of baptism, an understanding of the role of parents, of sponsors, and of the congregation in baptism, and time for questions and an opportunity to get to know other parents will be included in the session. If the timing of the class isn't convenient, the pastors are glad to meet with families individually to talk about baptism for their child.